Mortgage comparison: Which mortgage suits you? |

Mortgage comparison

The fixed-rate mortgage compared to the SARON mortgage

Type of mortgage

Protection against rising interest rates

Opportunity to benefit from falling interest rates

Interest rate


Option to change the type of mortgage


At a glance

Fixed-rate mortgage

Fixed for the entire term

1 to 15 years

Possibility to switch to another product at the end of the contract term

Contractually agreed

Predictable costs thanks to a fixed interest rate for the entire term

SARON mortgage



Possibility to switch to a fixed-rate mortgage at any time

Contractually agreed

Attractive and market-oriented Swiss base rate with unlimited term

Protection against rising interest rates

Opportunity to benefit from falling interest rates

Interest rate


Option to change the type of mortgage


At a glance

Fixed-rate mortgage

SARON mortgage

Fixed-rate mortgage

SARON mortgage

Fixed-rate mortgage

Fixed for the entire term

SARON mortgage


Fixed-rate mortgage

1 to 15 years

SARON mortgage


Fixed-rate mortgage

Possibility to switch to another product at the end of the contract term

SARON mortgage

Possibility to switch to a fixed-rate mortgage at any time

Fixed-rate mortgage

Contractually agreed

SARON mortgage

Contractually agreed

Fixed-rate mortgage

Predictable costs thanks to a fixed interest rate for the entire term

SARON mortgage

Attractive and market-oriented Swiss base rate with unlimited term

Our indicative interest rates*

These interest rates are for illustrative purposes only and are updated regularly (status as of 22.10.2024, 06:00 pm). They do not constitute a binding financing offer.

The interest rates shown were determined by UBS key4 mortgages on the basis of the following financing parameters: canton: Zurich, loan amount: CHF 500,000, affordability: 24%, loan-to-value ratio: 50%, mortgage payout date: 23.10.2024.

The SARON mortgage interest rate comprises the SARON rate, plus the margin. Find out how interest rates are calculated on a key4 SARON mortgage here.

Questions about terms, affordability or amortization?

Simply schedule a free and non-binding appointment. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and prepare an individual offer for you.

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